Why Did Archangel Raphaël Assume a Human Body?

Jerrie Castro • August 25, 2022

Archangel Raphaël is one of the seven Archangels that stand before the Throne of God and is spoken about in the Scriptures. This Archangel is the Patron Saint of travelers, the blind, bodily and spiritual ills, happy meetings, nurses, physicians and medical workers.

God sent Saint Raphaël to earth to heal a pious man named Tobit from his blindness and help him get his money back. He was also to accompany his son Tobias on a journey to marry a woman named Sarah and to deliver her from the evil demon Asmodeus that had killed each of her former husbands on their wedding night, before consummating their marriage. 

He appears, by name, only in the Book of Tobit. Raphaël name means "God heals." This identity came about because of the biblical story that claims he "healed" the earth when it was defiled by the sins of the fallen angels in the apocryphal book of Enoch. However, this is not a definitive teaching of the Church, as the book of Enoch was never codified into Scripture. This was the case with many other books as well, but some of the information and facts in apocryphal books has been proven to be true.

As one of God's seven special Archangels, Saint Raphaël comes to people who need healing in body, mind, and spirit. He is also a Patron of young people, Godly love, and people suffering from nightmares that may need protection that is supernatural.

Disguised as a human in the Book of Tobit, Raphaël refers to himself as "Azaria’s the son of the great Ananias" and travels alongside Tobit's son, Tobias.

Tobit was 62 years old when he became blind, but after his sight had been restored, he lived a very full life. Once again, he gave generously to the poor, and he continued to praise God and tell of His Greatness. Tobit died a peaceful death at the age of 112, and was given an honorable burial in Nineveh.

If you have never ventured to read this Old Testament Book of Tobit, give it a try. You will find out all sorts of interesting things that happen when an Archangel takes on a human body and also deals with the demon that was allowed to interfere in human’s life.

by Jerrie Castro

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